
Splitting: The Good With The Bad.

Splitting is the inability to see circumstances, relationships and situations as having both good and bad qualities. This polarized view of looking at the world can take a toll - when in reality, the good and the bad can, and often do, exist together.

Song: Portland Maine by Donovan Woods

Strengths & Weaknesses: It's What Makes You, You.

Strengths & Weaknesses: It's What Makes You, You.

You are unique and have individual gifts. Those giftings, or strengths, form your identity and can enhance the world around you. However, those strengths can also become overbearing when left to go to the extreme. This month Jason is putting out a call for mindfulness, for awareness towards tendencies, and for health.

Broken Trust

Broken Trust

Broken trust is a very real thing. How we deal with it can either be healthy or unhealthy. This month's vlog will dive into what happens when trust is broken, and what both parties can do to take on the responsibility that they should - to trust and/or show themselves to be trustworthy.

Is this my responsibility? Is this within my control? (2 out of 2)

Is this my responsibility? Is this within my control? (2 out of 2)

Welcome back to part 2 of our discussion around responsibility within relationships. In this months vlog we get a glimpse into how our approach to responsibility contributes to successful relationships as well how it can create a codependent relationship structure.

Please apply this insight into your own approach to responsibility, and share with others around you - we can all benefit from better relationships.

Is this my responsibility? (1 out of 2)

Responsibility; we all have it, but how we deal with it can vary person to person. The way you process responsibility can implicate many other areas in your life, including your relationships. In this months vlog we will look at four ways that people can deal with relationships, people can be throwers, catchers, holders or folders.

Click to see the vlog and gain valuable insight into how you or those around you relate to their surroundings. Make sure to forward this one on to friends and family that you believe could benefit from this, as we all step forward together into health and wellness within our relationships.